Habitat Project

Project Area 27/28.1

PA 27/28.1 Restoration Goals include: Increase Floodplain connectivity. Maximize channel complexity. Deep pools, side channels, and gravel bars. Dissipate stream power.

Currently we are working on floodplain connection project on private lands in PA-27/28.1 near King Grade. The originally plan for Phase 1 included all the in-channel work, but because of delays caused by covid 19, Phase 1 work was cut in half. The first part of Phase 1 was completed in the summer of 2020 - with work starting in the middle of the project area. The in-channel work included 350 large trees both in channel and on the floodplain to help reduce velocities and increase depth thru this site. An existing ditch was filled, and side channels were excavated to help reconnect the floodplain. Phase 2 completed this summer (2021) - completes the in-channel work, occurring both upstream and downstream of the 1st Phase. An additional 350 large trees were placed in the channel and on the floodplain. There were 3 large channel spanning log jams to help dissipate velocities at the bottom end of the project area, before the river leaves the landowner's property. Phase 3 - Plans for 2022, include Irrigation efficiencies, water rights transfers and a 13 acre floodplain easement. Before starting restoration in the floodplain, we are working with our landowners and the tribe's water transactions program to plan the modifications to the irrigation infrastructure on the property. To help offset the costs of the irrigation efficiencies, we plan to compete a floodplain easement and transfer water back instream. Phase 4- is the 13 acres of floodplain reconnection. This project is still in the early planning phase, but the design is expected once phase 3 is complete. We anticipate having one full year of irrigation efficiency to make sure the farm is operating properly, before we start construction on the floodplain connectivity. The floodplain acres are currently the most productive part of the property, so we want to make sure the newly installed irrigation in the upland fields help offset any losses caused by the conversion of the lower field back to floodplain. As you can tell by the photo, plans need to be made to revegetate the lower field, before water is turned out there on an annual basis so we don't have any unintended short-term temperatures increases during the summer.

Project Lead: CTUIR

Project Collaborators: Nez Perce Tribe, Snake River Salmon Recovery Board, Bonneville Power Administration

First Foods this project targets


River Vision Touchstones this project targets

Aquatic Biota
Riparian Vegetation

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