Fish Habitat Restoration Efforts in the Tucannon River Basin


The Tucannon River in Southeast Washington flows north out of the Blue Mountains into the Snake River and is the ancestral boundary between the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation and the Nez Perce Tribes. The Tucannon watershed supports the only remaining population of Spring Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the lower Snake River.

While the Tucannon once produced thousands of salmon annually it currently produces only a few hundred adult Spring Chinook each year. In 1992, Spring Chinook were listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act as runs declined to less than 200 adult fish.

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Measurable Results

The restoration efforts in the Tucannon River Basin are substantial. Here are some of our measurable accomplishments:



Miles of Stream Flow Improved


Acre-Feet of Water Protected


Acre-Feet of Water Conserved

48 Miles of Improved Complexity


685 Pool Habitats Created


3,436 In-Stream Structures Installed

263 Floodplain Acres Restored


67 Miles of Fish Habitat Accessed


3 Barriers Removed & Improved

136 Riparian Acres Improved


18 Riparian Miles Improved


30 Riparian Acres Protected


Project Goal

To work with private and public landowners in the Tucannon Basin to protect, enhance, and restore functional floodplain, channel, and watershed processes to provide sustainable habitats for aquatic species for all residents of the Tucannon Basin.

Project Objective

Find solutions that will benefit all residents of the Tucannon Basin, by addressing systemic problems associated with channel confinement, by allowing the Tucannon River to move freely within its floodplain and provide the maximum amount of ecological benefit for the fish and the people of the basin.

Project Funders

Funder Funding Amount
Bonneville Power Administration$3,702,342
Snake River Salmon Recovery Board$691,231
Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund$539,864
US Forest Service$112,769
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife$53,500

Project Partners